Maths Intelligence: ✍️Tips 

Maths is a subject that has the potential to be both rewarding and challenging. The beauty of mathematics lies in the fact that it is a universal language that can be used to solve a wide range of problems, from the most simple to the most complex. However, many students struggle with maths, and some even develop a phobia of it. In this article, we will explore how to become intelligent in maths and overcome the challenges that come with it.


Mathematics is a subject that has been around for centuries, and its applications have been felt in various fields, including science, engineering, economics, and finance, among others. In the academic setting, maths is taught from a young age and is a core subject in primary and secondary schools. However, despite its significance, many students find maths intimidating and challenging. This article aims to provide insights on how to become intelligent in maths and navigate the subject with ease.

Develop a positive attitude towards maths

One of the primary reasons why students struggle with maths is because they have a negative attitude towards it. Many students believe that maths is difficult, boring, and irrelevant to their lives. However, having a positive attitude towards maths can help students to approach the subject with an open mind and a willingness to learn. To develop a positive attitude towards maths, students can start by reframing their thinking and focusing on the benefits of the subject. For instance, they can view maths as a tool that can be used to solve real-world problems, and appreciate its beauty in the patterns and structures it presents.

Practice regularly regularly

Maths is a subject that requires regular practice to master. Students need to dedicate enough time to practice and work on various problem sets to build their skills and confidence in the subject. Regular practice also helps to reinforce concepts and improve retention. Students can practice maths in various ways, including solving problems, working on assignments, taking mock tests, and participating in maths competitions.

Understand the fundamentals

Maths is a hierarchical subject, and understanding the fundamentals is crucial in building a solid foundation. Students need to have a clear understanding of basic concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division before progressing to more complex topics. To understand the fundamentals, students can use textbooks, online resources, and seek guidance from their teachers.

Seek help when necessary

Maths can be challenging, and students should not hesitate to seek help when they need it. Students can seek help from their teachers, tutors, classmates, or online resources. When seeking help, students should be specific about their areas of difficulty and ask relevant questions. Seeking help early can help students to avoid falling behind and improve their performance in the subject.

Use technology to aid learning

Technology has revolutionized the way we learn, and maths is no exception. Students can use various technological tools such as calculators, online tutorials, interactive apps, and software programs to aid their learning. These tools help to make maths more engaging, interactive, and fun.

Develop problem-solving skills

Maths is all about problem-solving, and students need to develop problem-solving skills to excel in the subject. Problem-solving skills include critical thinking, logical reasoning, analytical skills, and creativity. Students can develop these skills by working on various problem sets, participating in maths competitions, and challenging themselves to solve complex problems.

Be persistent and patient

Maths can be challenging, and students may encounter setbacks along the way. However, it is essential to be persistent and patient in the learning process. Students need to adopt a growth mindset and view setbacks as opportunities to learn and improve.

With persistence and patience, students can overcome the challenges and succeed in maths.


Maths is a subject that requires dedication, practice, and a positive attitude. Students can become intelligent in maths by developing. 

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